Versions 8.x are not compatible with earlier versions and it is not possible to connect to servers running lower version or to use the playback feature.
Mobile clients:
- The timeline does not move on devices with high pixel density.
- Changed device selection in admintool with a long press.
- Android: extra characters removed from the app title.
- iOS: low display resolution in the Observer/Playback cell.
- iOS: handling screen rotation under heavy CPU load.
- Observer crashes when trying to connect to the recorder after factory reset.
- Crashes when changing the stream on all cameras.
- Crashes when closing the Emap monitor camera preview.
- Run external program reaction.
- Server group: stream settings not saved when filling the appearance by RMB.
- Renaming a group/server in the network connections dialog box.
- Text added on agreeing to the licence agreement in Observer when activating channels.
- Changed the Save Frame dialog box.
- Crashes when working with the camera selection dialog box.
- The camera status icon in the cell rarely updates.
- Timeline size when opening / closing a full screen cell.
- Changed the zoom algorithm in the cell.
- Crashes when adding cameras by range.
- Drag&Drop between monitors.
- Application of ptz-cell settings when exiting Manage.
- Hotkeys to save monitors and restore their places.
- Changes to the UI of the Licensing page.
- Maximize the Observer window from the tray when launching a second instance of the application.
- Squares instead of dots in Linux when signing into the server and when changing the password in Manage.
- Correct size of the sound regulator when there are lots of cameras on view.
- Observer response to the maximize window command.
- A button for managing the visibility of the filter panel added in Playback.
- Archive export, hangs when requesting data.
- Client settings.
- Digital zoom for the Playback cell in pause mode.
- When changing the window position, the OSD stays in its original place.
- Does not switch to full screen mode when double-clicking in the area of the Observer/Playback OSD cell.
Line XVR 16 H.265 Firmware 20210511 (11.05.2021)
New features:
- Analytics: face detector and motion filters added to Playback;
- Added hotkeys functionality.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed errors when working with views (when connecting to a server group, remote management).
- Observer freezes when saving user settings.
- Audio/Video tabs combined in user device settings.
- Fixed the rotating monitor errors
- Updated information on Line Cloud servers in the connections dialog box.
- Fixed errors when assigning microphones to video channels.
- Interrupt camera streams when entering Manage or minimizing the program
- Crashes when using mouse wheel to scroll through months in the archive calendar dialog box.
- Reduced the time for connecting to the server
- Observer V8 keeps pulling multiview streams when opening the camera in full screen.
- Playback freezes when server-side connection is broken.
- Android: added the option to disable screen locking/fading in client settings.
- WEB server: auto-connect to the server setting was not saved.